The bloon लोग
A community space for our Bloon Log… anyone interested in alternative education, learning, design - keep an eye out here for interesting things we find out about and want to share, inspiring people we talk to, behind the scenes design stories, or events we’re hosting, new launches etcetera :)
Alternative education

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15 play spaces for adventurous play
1) Red Soil Nature Play, Bengaluru https://www.redsoilnatureplay.org/ This space is all about unstructured, nature-based play—where kids can dig in the dirt, climb, explore, and connect with the outdoors. It’s...

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List of Alternative Schools in India
*Updated with schools in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai and other schools in the rest of TN. (others coming soon :) As more and more of us get increasingly frustrated...

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Guide To Choosing An Alternative School
When one looks outside the realm of conventional schooling, the world of alternative education can be mesmerising and awe inspiring. Finland, a Scandinavian Welfare State, is a leading example of...

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Our Waldorf Experience by Radha & Nandini
In this little conversational article, Radha and Nandini, sisters who graduated from Tridha, a Waldorf school in Mumbai, reflect on their upbringing and experience of having been in a Waldorf...

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The Krishnamurti Experience
Over the last few weeks I’ve had the delightful opportunity to speak to a few alumni from Krishnamurti schools in India about how their experience of school has been, and...

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rhythm in steiner schools, an all important 'R'
people often wonder why steiner school students are so thoughtful, reflective, creative and independent in their thinking. this is perhaps the reason steve jobs chose a waldorf school for his...

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first LEGO school opens in denmark!
the toymaker has funded a school based on the principles of freedom and play, featuring a creator space for kindergarteners!

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Nature Table: Why & How
The nature table is a very special practice that is cultivated in students of Waldorf schools and often stays with them through their lives in different forms and articulations. This...

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Who was Dr Emmi Pikler?
As Dr. Emmi Pikler (1902-1984), a Hungarian paediatrician, strolled along a beach in Italy in the early 1930s, she paused to watch the other families scattered around her. As a...

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creativity, 21st century education and toys as the new text books
there have been countless debates about what should and needs to change in the education system today – given where we are and given the future. even in...

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the future of jobs: world economic forum
the world is changing - the future of jobs reports shows us how, and points to key skills that may be required to flourish in the future.

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Lila's Adventures in the Living Room
The moment Lila walked out of her room in yet another elaborate costume, you could tell that this house was alive. It wasn’t the kind of childhood you see neatly...

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Why the Living Room might be the ultimate Play Room for kids
When kids play in the living room, they get to be part of the adults’ real life and participate in the flow of family life. They can ask parents for...

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dr. stuart brown: the sea squirt who lost his play
an excerpt from dr. stuart brown's book 'play' which talks about the link between 'play' and having a functional brain.

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Paintings of Play
In this photo-article, you will find several depictions of childhood, with a special emphasis on the idea of play as being an important part of growing up and being a...

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free open ended play to combat ADHD and screen time | WHO (World Health Organisation)
Screen Time can cause ADHD. The World Health Organisation recently released a list of directives and guidelines around restricting screen time and proposed more Play as a way of combating...

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trustful parenting - peter gray
psychologist and evolutionary biologist peter gray, has long been a proponent of “trustful parenting”. in an article for psychology today, he talks about the various parenting styles, the importance and...

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Learning to learn - when to step in, and when to stand back
Every child goes through several stages of development and movement -- from lying on their backs, rolling over, crawling, sitting, standing, walking, running, and climbing -- The one common feature...

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what is self-directed free play, and why is it so elusive?
self directed play is a primary tool for evolution, a boon for parents (when their kids occupy themselves) and a joy for children. still somehow, it remains elusive... why? and...

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too many toys: gifts and thoughts for kids who (seem) to have it all
we’ve all noticed that kids today have WAY more toys than we ever did. and although an instinct, urge, need to pamper tells us to buy the newest, cutest,...

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How To Play With Leaves
Sometimes, all it takes is a child’s imagination to transform the most mundane and boring things about life, into something wonderfully interesting! In this little exercise that is our attempt...

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new york times - taking "play" seriously
more than being about toys or a specific activity, play is a state of mind that can be nurtured to fully unleash its potential by balanced parenting and careful schooling...

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9 benefits of self-directed free play
free play has lots and lots of benefits. it’s being seen now as the primary tool for evolution and learning. we’ve put down some of it’s benefits for you to...

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All you need to know about Why we Play
As a busy parent, worrying for your child comes with the territory. Are they eating well? Learning well? Becoming good global citizens? and so on. But here’s a new one...

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Dr Holly Belgum writes a children's book to bring comfort during the crisis
A warm and wonderful book to help children navigate the big emotions they feel during the pandemic.

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Lockdowns, screen-time for kids… and Play as an Antidote!
With life as we know it still reeling under the impact of the pandemic, it has become clear that the negative impact on children has been disproportionately high. Not only...
bloon toys & design

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why all the fuss about wood or why natural materials make better toys than plastic ones
many parents today are opting for eco toys, wooden toys and toys made from other natural materials - but why are they so good and what's all the fuss about? read...

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Toy Design: Making the Slide
“We knew right from the start that we wanted to have a slide to go with the Pikler because climbing and sliding are so intrinsically intertwined. Children often do all...

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Why Tent Houses are such a great addition to a play space
All children instinctively love tent houses, here's why! In addition to providing a core around which to build their independent play, tent houses also provide a ground on which to...

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Why the Waldorf inspired Bloon Toys Curvy Board is a favourite toy across ages!
The Waldorf inspired bloon toys curvy board is a dynamic open ended toy that is used in various ways by children of different ages. While it works on the sense...

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What is Modelling Beeswax?
what modelling beeswax is, how to work with it, and why its such a wonderful material to use!

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What is the Pikler Triangle?
The Pikler Triangle - Context behind the original design, key benefits, and important considerations while choosing the best one

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Why kids’ sheer fascination for Dinosaurs is more than just a 'passing fad’
The love for dinosaurs and dinosaur toys is much more than just a passing fad, and actually great for the brain and all sorts of learning and development

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wooden blocks, spatial reasoning and STEM skills
it turns out that playing with wooden or other blocks in early childhood can be directly linked to STEM skills in later life – and so, is most important for...

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building a space for self directed play at home
here’s a quick guide to creating a self directed play space at home. it doesn’t take a lot – small changes to the environment and some mindfulness on ones’ own...
Events & Expeditions

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Things do in your city (that you didn't even know existed!)
From several conversations over summer and much research of our own, we have put together a list of things your child is going to love doing! Hyderabad Outdoors: Climb 2500...

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Bloon Toys at D/Code 2023
Bloon Toys was thrilled to be part of D/Code this year - Home & Design TRENDS, Good Homes (Times Group). D/Code is an annual showcase of the best luxury architects...

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A Saturday at Bindoongplay
The word Bindoong in Korean means to be relaxed and to be in a state of ease, as the 5 directors who conceptualised this space hope all its users will...
bloon podcast

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The Bloon Toys Podcast #1: Hemangi Ghosh
In this first ever Bloon Toys Podcast, Isha, founder of Bloon Toys speaks with Hemangi Ghosh, one of the first parents and teachers at Tridha, the first Waldorf School in Mumbai....

bloon podcast
The Bloon Toys Podcast #2: Priyanka Rai & Sai Gaddam
In this second episode of The Bloon Toys Podcast, Isha (founder of Bloon Toys) speaks with Priyanka Rai & Sai Gaddam, the founders of Comini Learning, a Finnish Education micro-school...

bloon podcast
The Bloon Toys Podcast #3: Gowri Varanashi
In this third episode of The bloon toys podcast, Isha, founder of bloon toys and Radha, writer at bloon toys, speak with Gowri Varanashi, the founder of Wilderness Ways, a...