Bloon Toys at D/Code 2023

Bloon Toys was thrilled to be part of D/Code this year - an initiative by Home & Design TRENDS, Good Homes (Times Group). D/Code is an annual showcase of the best luxury architects and designers all over the country and this year it had stalls by over a 100 different brands. 

We were lucky to be amongst a few in the ‘Design Corridor’ space, a space featuring exciting new creations in design. 

Rather than exhibiting products straight-forwardly as we have in the past, we wanted to evoke the feeling of childhood and play that our toys are designed to invite. To do this simply and intuitively, we designed and created a larger than life Pikler installation.

Closer inspection of this final installation will reveal multiple connected piklers, and the hint of the ‘House’ shape, the ‘Chair’ shape and the ‘Bridge’ shape. Along with multiple wooden figurines having a blast on different corners of this ‘Pikler playground’, with some hanging upside down from it, others backbending across, another figure shyly contemplating his vantage point above the rest and still others, in nooks and corners, chatting amongst themselves! 


It was such a joy to make and bring this together. We went right back to being kids and "playing" even in the making of it :) 

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