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Bloon Toys at D/Code 2023

Bloon Toys at D/Code 2023

Bloon Toys was thrilled to be part of D/Code this year - Home & Design TRENDS, Good Homes (Times Group). D/Code is an annual showcase of the best luxury architects...
Toy Design: Making the Slide

Toy Design: Making the Slide

“We knew right from the start that we wanted to have a slide to go with the Pikler because climbing and sliding are so intrinsically intertwined. Children often do all...
Nature Table: Why & How

Nature Table: Why & How

The nature table is a very special practice that is cultivated in students of Waldorf schools and often stays with them through their lives in different forms and articulations. This...
Mud Play: Why & How

Mud Play: Why & How

Research has indicated that mineral rich, toxin free mud, has a therapeutic effect that can and is being used to treat ailments ranging from eczema to aching backs and fibromyalgia...
Paintings of Play

Paintings of Play

In this photo-article, you will find several depictions of childhood, with a special emphasis on the idea of play as being an important part of growing up and being a...